I’m thrilled to say that Woburn Abbey are using one of my photos on the cover of their new 2013 visitor leaflet:
I was approached about this some weeks ago, and they’re now in use :-)
I’m very happy to collaborate with Woburn in this way as it’s my favourite local spot, and I’ve taken some of my best photos there. To see it as the new Woburn Abbey Cover Photo is a real thrill. It’s a great example of my work in use under commercial licence, and seems like a perfect partnership. I’m really proud to see my work in such prominent use by such a prestigious brand. I also really like the simple styling of the cover itself. Very modern and classy – exactly the kind of thing I want my photos to be associated with.
The image is actually a portrait crop of a wider landscape photo, shown below…
It’s a photo I took two or three years ago now, but I knew then that it was one I’d be proud of for some time. It was shortly before sunset, and the sun was shedding a perfect light on the house. I had just enough time for a couple of shots before the deer moved off.
So get down to Woburn Abbey this summer. If nothing else, the leaflets are a work of art in themselves :-)